Recent improvements in building regulation standards means airtight buildings are becoming easier to achieve.
Therefore, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery is becoming a necessity, for further improving the energy efficiency within all new developments, be it residential or commercial.
All ventilation with heat recovery is up to 90% efficient. Why waste the last 10% when it can be recovered to produce hot water, heating and cooling?
The unique system design of the NILAN Compact Range of MVHR units can utilise this last 10% through evaporation of a refrigerant liquid to a gas. This low temperature gas is then compressed to become a high temperature liquid which runs through an integrated hot water cylinder.
To comply with modern building regulation standards the NILAN can be set at a lower ventilation rate with higher ventilation steps available.

The Compact range offers a wide range of Heat recovery Units suitable for nearly all applications.
Be it the Compact S suitable for an apartment short on floor space or a Compact P Geo for properties with lots of outdoor space. The compact P is available in a XL version with higher rated fans capable of processing 375 m3/h of air through larger properties whilst benefiting from the same modular size of the standard Compact P.
Nilan VGU180 EK

Best suited for apartments and small homes that will avail of a wet heating system. Specification
The NILAN Ventilation System will deliver clean, fresh air and will continuously extract damp, stale air.
Using ISO Coarse filters, pollutants such as pollen, bacteria and soot are filtered out to provide a healthy air quality.
Throughout Europe, there are thousands of small apartments, large homes and commercial properties benefitting from the unique, adaptable NILAN technology. The ventilation rate can be specified for the unique requirements of every installation.

The Compact Range utilises what would be wasted energy to create hot water.
The Compact range has an integrated 180lt insulated hot water tank to produce sanitary hot water. Because the ventilation runs continuously, the production of hot water is also a continuous cycle.
Domestic Hot Water (DHW) is automatically protected against Legionella by an integrated electrical element. When the water heating has reached the desired temperature, the NILAN compact range will automatically divert this energy to the supply air to heat the rooms. This will reduce the demand on space heating. Creating further energy savings for heating homes and commercial properties.

Capturing energy through expelled stale air.
To maintain a healthy air quality within a home or commercial property, there must be continuous replenishment of fresh air. Energy within the outgoing extract air is used to warm the incoming air. Without the NILAN system, this energy would be lost. Furthermore, excess humidity and CO2 will be detected and removed via the extract points.
The supply air sensor within the Compact P will maintain a comfortable room temperature. Fresh filtered air is delivered to living rooms, bedrooms or office spaces after being warmed by the extracted air from kitchens and bathrooms.

Active heating occurs when the hot water demand is met.
At this point the exhaust air heat pump actively heats the property through the supply air lines to the rooms, bedrooms, living rooms and office spaces for example.
Frequently, in a low energy build or a passive house, the NILAN Compact P can meet the ventilation and heating requirements without the need for central heating or an auxiliary heating system.
Where air tightness and fabric values are not to this standard, the NILAN Compact P can automate auxiliary electrical heating sources such as infrared panels or electrically controlled radiators. In some cases, an integral heating element can be installed within the rigid ducting.
Utilising heat pump technology with a COP (Coefficient of Performance) of 3:1 on average, means that NILAN can heat or cool the supply air 3 times more efficiently than direct electric. Active Heat Recovery will reduce energy expenditure and energy bills. Thus, the NILAN system will run at a higher efficiency than standard MVHR systems.

When the summertime bypass mode has been activated, the NILAN Compact P exhaust air heat pump has a reversible cycle that can cool the supply air.
Although the unit cools the air, it is not an AC unit, but a complimentary method of cooling combined with an overall shading strategy.
This will help maintain a comfortable summertime indoor temperature.

NILAN.GREEN take a wholistic approach which starts with Fabric First.
Fabric First is the foundation to saving energy.
Fabric is the substance of a building and should be designed and constructed to have a whole lifetime cycle. Fabric does not require servicing like the mechanical elements of a building. There is no need to over specify the mechanical package in a low energy build.
The NILAN system replaces the need and at the same time saves money and is more energy efficient.
The NILAN technology is unique, it combines several systems into one. Heating, cooling, ventilation and hot water are managed through this one highly efficient system. Furthermore, it is easy to install and easy to manage.
The proportion of Green energy used to create electricity is steadily growing.
With an ever-changing landscape surrounding fuel security it has never been more important to harness green electricity. We have the reassurance that an increasing proportion of our electricity is being produced by renewable technologies and NILAN takes advantage of this.

The latest NILAN models come with a gateway device which connects to an APP.
Once this device has been configured, it can monitor and control the internal air environment and hot water from anywhere in the world. In a multiple unit building such as apartments or a housing complex a landlord or a Property Management Firm can remotely monitor and diagnose any issues via the service portal.
This will optimise the property performance and minimise the need for call outs.
The individual resident can monitor and control the energy consumption from one APP. Within this APP there is absolute control over electricity use, temperature efficiency and hot water. There is the option for Property Management Companies to monitor multiple units for planning and maintenance purposes.